
When you save with us you can save large or small amounts weekly, monthly or whenever you have spare cash. We pay our members a dividend on their savings when we have made a surplus in the previous year. The rate of interest charged on our loans is also determined by the amount you have saved at any point.

What would you like to save for?


  • Holidays

    You can save for summer holidays and christmas, just a little at a time, even at the same time as you repay a loan

  • School

    Kids grow out of their school uniforms and shoes all the time. A few pounds a week can help with regular expenses like this.

  • Medical

    You can save for your opticians bills, dentists costs and other occasional expenses you have to find money for

  • Cars

    You can save for car repairs, MOT’s, insurance and road tax at the same time as you repay a loan or just to be prepared.

Why save with us?

  • Saving regularly can help you to budget and shows us you’ll be able to afford to borrow from us should you ever need to

  • Your savings are safe & secure: they’re fully covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme

  • By saving with us you become a member of our credit union and, dependent on what kind of year we’ve had, you may receive an annual dividend


 See how it can add up over a year

 How to apply

Complete this form and we’ll contact you for a chat

Now you’ve read through the basics of saving with us the next step is arranging to meet so we can start the process. Please use the form here to give us your contact details and we’ll arrange to call you.